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frequency of signal中文是什么意思

用"frequency of signal"造句"frequency of signal"怎么读"frequency of signal" in a sentence


  • 信号频率


  • When the frequency of signal is below to kilohertz quantitatively , the preactical test results of this system indicated that it is efficiency in signal process of biomedicine , automatic control , and audio etc . the purpose of design has been realized by the system ultimately
  • It was indicated that the major frequency of signals for three different motivating manners concentrated between 20 and 50 khz , the difference between wavelet coefficients was small , and the pertinence of the original signal and the returning signals was low
    最终结果表明,从频谱上来讲,三种激励方式所产生信号的主频集中在20 50khz ,小波系数相差甚微,并且来源于同一源的接收信号与源信号相关程度也不高。
  • For those biological signals like echo of bat or whale , as well as man - made system signals like radar or sonar signal , the instantaneous frequency of signal component contains important information and could be used for signal model parameters extraction . so that the proper choose of transformed domain and signal characteristic extraction method is of crucial important . the ridge extraction method used for signal characterization was first proposed in the 1990s , it ' s based on the study of the phase of the wavelet ( or other linear ) transform
  • The butterworth wavelet filter with good magnitude - frequency characteristics is adopted to process the vortex flow signal , and the fundamental frequency of signal is estimated effectively . the algorithm is implemented in a digital signal processing system based on a tms320vc5409 dsp chip , and its effectiveness is proved
  • The signal generator is based on dds ( direct digital synthesize ) , the maximal frequency of signal is 5mhz , the minimal frequency is 100hz , its minimal resolution is 4 . 77hz ; in the module of data acquisition , we adopt a adc which the range of sample frequency is 100khz to 40mhz , and its resolution is 12 bits ; the most digital logic is accomplished in cpld ( complex programmable logic device ) ; the control and calculating is realized in computer , and the external hardware is communicated with computer by epp of it ; the software is programmed on the developing plat of labwindows / cvi
    信号源采用直接数字合成原理实现,它所能产生的信号频率为100hz 5mhz ,最小频率分辨率为4 . 77hz ;数据采集采用了12位的adc ,最高的采样频率为40mhz ,最低的采样频率为: 100khz ;主要的数字逻辑部分采用cpld实现;控制以及计算功能在计算机内完成,硬件电路板通过计算机的epp口实现与计算机的数据传递;软件是在labwindows / cvi环境中编写的。
  • The structure of circuit are highly integrated . it not only has a simple structure , but obtains a more high frequency of signal processing than the circuit based on singlechip . ( the highest working frequency of sinlechip circuit is about 12m while this system almost reach 50m ) a higher speed of signal processing ensure the system achieve a better display quality
    本系统将pld芯片设计成系统信号驱动的控制芯片,实现了电路结构的高度集成化,不仅结构简单,而且信号处理的频率大大高于单片机电路(普通单片机电路最高工作频率为12m左右,而本系统控制芯片达到50m以上) ,更快速的信号处理速度保证了系统产生更优良的图像质量。
  • The task is to undertake a research on a control system applied to ultrasound instrument which performs the functions as follows . firstly , it can output a pwm wave which duty ( 0 ~ 100 % ) and frequency ( 0 . 1 - 10hz ) are adjustable . secondly , it can output a switch and timing signal . thirdly , it can detect the frequency of signal generator ( 20k ~ 100khz )
    本课题任务是进行一个超声仪的控制系统的研究,主要实现以下技术指标:输出占空比( 0 100 )和频率( 0 . 1 10hz )可调的pwm信号;产生可控定时的开关量信号;检测信号源的频率值( 20k 100khz ) ;在pc机监控软件界面和控制器液晶显示屏上显示其工作状态和参数。
用"frequency of signal"造句  
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